Upright is a smart device that prompts the user any time they are slouching.
Insight: 80% of adults have bad posture, and 16 million US adults have chronic back pain.
Idea: Use everyday objects to represent the benefits of UpRight
Line: Your back better than ever.
Animated Banner Ads
Staying in line with Upright's current media, we applied our new paint job for these GIF-based banner ads. The bright colors and googly-eyed sense of humor combine to grab the attention of those that slouch.
What to shrimp, crowbars, and straws have in common? They're bendy... and apparently, their backs hurt too.
Out of Home
The American Copper Building - There are a lot of people coming home to their luxury, west side apartments who are probably coming back from slouching all day at a desk job.
We decided to grab their attention by showing them what their back looks like, and then what their posture could look like if they had an Upright on.
It serves as a large scale before-and-after visual for anyone passing by.
Social Video Spot
Tapping into the strange and surreal humor of modern internet culture, we puppeted a mother and baby shrimp, as they use an Upright to deal with little Junior's back pain.
Campaign Board
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